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viewed 2,288 times
since Sep 2013
last sign in 20 hours ago
viewed 2,288 times
since Sep 2013
last sign in 20 hours ago

These notes are private, and not shared with this member.
You can add, edit, or view these personal notes while you're a Premium Boat member.

Availability ready now

Embark (Boarding)
ready now to embark anytime
preferably for at least 2 weeks and for less than 4 years
flexible, no specific date


 My current location where I'm in person - Andalucía - visible to Boat members only
Your vessel's boarding location is around ? away from this location
 Boarding location
Your vessel's boarding location is ? within this Crew member's boarding area
Destinations I'm interested in
 Home location usual 'Place of residence' - Andalucía - visible to Boat members only

Personal details

L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
speaks native Dutch
fluent English, Spanish, French
competent Portuguese
visible to Free & Premium members only
Civil Status
187 cm / 6' 2"
95-100 kg / 209-220 lb


Countries I've resided in
Countries I've visited (26) Caribbean Saint Martin (FR) Saint Vincent & the Sint Maarten (NL) Trinidad & United


I prefer an unrestricted diet and I'm fine with any or no specific diet aboard
I'm a strict non-drinker and I'm fine with any or no drinking aboard
I'm a strict non-smoker and I'm fine with any or no smoking aboard


Coastal/Ocean sea time
spent at least 30 years at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
logged at least 100,000 nm at sea


Maritime Qualifications & Certificates
issued or renewed during 2021 & 2020
Issued or renewed
2021 May
Unlimited (no expiry)
Accredited by
RYA/MCA The Royal Yachting Association / Maritime Coastguard Agency
issued or renewed before 2020
Issued or renewed
2018 Aug
2025 Mar
Accredited by
MCA Maritime Coastguard Agency
Issued or renewed
2016 Nov
Unlimited (no expiry)
Accredited by
RYA The Royal Yachting Association
Issued or renewed
2016 Jul
Unlimited (no expiry)
Accredited by
RYA/MCA The Royal Yachting Association / Maritime Coastguard Agency
Issued or renewed
2016 Jun
2025 Mar
Accredited by
MCA Maritime Coastguard Agency
Issued or renewed
2015 Jun
Unlimited (no expiry)
Accredited by
RYA The Royal Yachting Association
Issued or renewed
2012 Nov
Unlimited (no expiry)
Accredited by
RYA The Royal Yachting Association

Boat wanted

Vessel main propulsion
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
any length
Crew & guests aboard


Professional    paid positions, experience and/or qualifications are usually required

positions of interest
preferably for
 Captain / Skipper   experienced and qualified
 1st Mate / Officer   experienced and qualified
 Cook   experienced
 Galleyhand   experienced
 Delivery Crew   experienced and qualified
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew is looking for paid work

Shorebased    working or training from or based on a shore or land

positions of interest
preferably for
 Shorebased: Office Administration   experienced and qualified
 Shorebased: Financial Controller   experienced and qualified
 Shorebased: Boat / Property Minder   experienced
 Shorebased: Detailing   experienced
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew is looking for paid work


Team status
Just me, I'm not bringing any crewmates

Dear Shipmates


Free to sail & work now for next +3 years
All destinations,
All marine jobs
Blue water/ Coastal, ship management and dock maintenance manager.

Enthusiastic mature experienced Flemish Yachtmaster Offshore sail 200t,
easy going serious responsible with humour and education,
seamans'like better safe than sorry style, very organized and discreet seaman with team spirit and eye for the small,
speak 6 languages.
Love a clean boat,
Love to cook plus organize provisions,
having many time at Sea and shore maintenance management.

Interested in marine services all destinations all vessels :
Navigate, sail, shipsupplies, provisions and care
Projects, science & diving research, deliveries, charter or private family world cruising.
Please do contact always for your passages and conditions .

Let's communicate, start to know eachother and agree on the plans.

Start making lists to prepare and improve the ship as best safest
taking time to know the boat, staff and crew including Basic Safety & Reef, MOB manoeuvers,
talking over the passage plan, check Chart Datum electronic devices, weather info, etc.
Do shoppings provisions and householding;
reserve mineral water, chocolate, ginger(tip: chew ginger roots against seasickness),
biscuits, soups, cheese and crackers for night watches or storm.
Foul weather gear and sunglasses for everybody, personal hygiene and needs,
First Aid kit
Detailed Updated Paper Nautical Charts, sextant,
head flashlights,AA/AAA batteries,
handGPS,handcompass and -VHF, sharp knife, tools,
Survival raft, Grabbag and one bottle rum or whisky, just to have. :)...
1 good book
Visit goodbye the Harbour Master and Customs, A-Z double check lights,
On the early tide let's go! Sail Up Ancre up, slip out. On Course.
Captain+assistant on the bridge, crew back to bed having extra couple of hours good rest,
first day no cooking 'cause we have prepared meals with us.
Fair winds! Welcome aboard

A little about myself, my interests and my plans

clean & tidycommitteddiligentdiscreeteasy-goingenthusiasticfit & healthyfriendlyorganisedrespectfulskilledtrustworthyconfident swimmerrarely/unlikely seasickgood listenergood communicatorno body piercingsno facial piercingsno tattoos at alleager to learn & workpolitepositive outlookopen mindedsense of humorcan pay own expensesavailable on my ownenjoy cookingdon't mind cleaninggood with maintenancecan follow ordersenjoy teachinginterpretingbuy my own boat one day

Flemish experienced salt water sailor, born in Antwerp (Belgium) January 1963
Qualified RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail 24m 200t

FREE to travel for + next 3 years. READY NOW.
Looking long term.professional positions
All destinations Ocean, Offshore, Coastal.
Captain/skipper, sail
contact me also for
co skipper, 1st Mate
cook, galleyhand 'cause i like it!
team crew,
delivery crew
yacht manager,
sail/ marine services company manager.
tall ships
sail, shipsupplies, provisions and care

Experienced blue water sailor: Atlantic Ocean, Med and Coastal waters +100kNm
Experienced allround boat maintenance & repairs under sail (engine, electro, deck,...)
Experienced Dock work manager: organization, refit, shipping and cost planning

Gentleman, fine manners,
no nonsense and responsible with a warm heart and with Education.
Discreet, passagemaker, ready till the end.
Speak 4 languages fluent : English, Spanish, French, Dutch
Speak 2 languages intermediate : German, Portuguese
Team player, can take orders
Fit now and fitter by the day on the water
Clean and organized
Problem-solver. 7/7 24/24 Fix-it .
Eye for the small things ...
No smoker No drinking issues.

Always ready to learn more and teach others kindly.

Cooking and baking OK, love to cook and organize the shoppings.
Bake bread and make pizza, focaccia etc...
Cook or galley hand position 'cause i like it!
I love fine food, manage and prepare it, essential for a good passage and endurable motivated crew.
Who prepares the meal, does the plates.

Security first , better safe then sorry
A clean ship is a safe ship.
Who blocks the heads ...unblocks the heads equally .

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail 24m 200t (Commercial endorsed out of date, to renew asap upon agreement)
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean (shorebased)
STCW 95 1,2,3,4 (out of date, to renew asap upon agreement)
RYA VHF certificate
RYA Powerboat level 2
SCUBA Diving
RYA Cruising Instructor training for Sail
ex Windsurf instructor
Driving licence B
JKA (Japan) Shotokan Yudansha black belt +35 years active and can teach (Do&Self Defence)
European University degree Economics Accountability International Business
Bachelor Business Administration (BBA) Marketing/Finance

Studies, hobbies, interests
Arts, science and culture
Self made entrepreneur
Belgian military engineering service done
sports/outdoor man
Fine Wines and Art connoisseur
Yoga trainee, breathing and meditation
physiotherapy + massage, stretching, natural healing basics knowledge
Outdoor sports, reading and study, creative working are my hobbies
Windsurfer & wave Surf soul-rider, swimming,
SCUBA diving, snorkling, …

Renovation architecture : rebuilt a-z various old village houses and farm cottage from ruine.
Books, music, astronomy
Treeplanting, off grid living
Making an effort for a better, cleaner and responsible society
Founder and CEO STOPCO2 BV, Amsterdam
Founder True Climate Advertising with existing solar Public Relations/Cargo 72'steel sailboat restoration project
for travel , cruising and cargo sailing,
sail taxi or bus, expedition , Astro Nav and offshore training ship.

For +25 years privileged to sail/work on a classic 72´steel Akerboom / Feadship Heritage sloop, 65tons
6x Atlantic Crossing
Caribbean: Martinique, Grenada, Carriacou, St Martin, Bermuda
Azores: Faial, Sao Miguel, Terceira, Flores
Canary Islands: Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, La Gomera
Madeira Porto Santos
Strait of Gibraltar (Home waters)
Balearic Islands: Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera
Mediterranean Coast
Iberian spanish & portuguese Atlantic Coast
Morocco: Ceuta, Smir
Mutiple Regatta Team Experience Spain/Portugal
Sailed Belgian- and Dutch strong Tidal Waters on Tjalk, Quarter-Ton, 40' and windsurf
Force10/11 +55kn close hauled against the tide+current experience,
Strait of Gibraltar my homewaters
Dense Fog experience
+ 20year Radical windsurfing Tarifa with survival conditions.
Surf / Boogey +12'-16' wave riding Portugal/North Spain
Made myself a sailing raft with driftwoods and tyres when 10years old in Bay of Biscay, that ended wrecking on the rocks by huge swell at the sea cliffs while i was saved by a diver .
Respect Reality first Sea Lesson & M.O.B. !
Better safe then sorry!Always!

Interested in Marine services or projects, science research
Environmental protection, sea life, sharks,
Deliveries, Charter, Family world cruising, .....
Offshore, Pacific Ocean, Hawaii, Cuba, South Africa and Philippines

Sailing is Passion
Unfortunately we cannot live from Wind, Stargazing and Saltwater only...(!!)
Please contact me for offers: adventures, research, expeditions or passages ...
Belgian all countries Passport till 3/2029 ready-to-go anywhere ...
Let´s GO !!! Fair Winds!

My motivation and reasons to crew on a boat

share experiencevisit remote placesseek adventureface challengesearn moneysustainable traveltravel

Humble continuous curious learning
Navigate safe and competent with vortex of Earth
Act as Team in all situations, dynamic active calmth
Meeting fine intelligent people and Sea creatures .
Respect . Education.




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amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
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