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viewed 4,035 times
since Jan 2020
last sign in 12 Feb 2025
viewed 4,035 times
since Jan 2020
last sign in 12 Feb 2025
Owner & Captain/Skipper - always or often aboard
SY - Sailing Yacht, 15.9 m (52 ft), sail, monohull, Amel Meltem 52

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Availability after 1 May 2025

Embark (Boarding)
preferably embarking anytime after the 1 May 2025
for any duration
flexible, no specific date


 Boarding location - Ionian Islands - visible to Crew members only
Your boarding area is ? within this vessel's boarding location
and the Crew can come from anywhere to board the vessel
Your current location is around ? away from this location
 Destination planned to take the vessel next
flexible, to be decided
 My current location where I'm in person - same as boarding location
 Home Port of Registry (registered vessel) - Donegal - visible to Premium Crew


L5   native
speaking natively like a local without a noticeable foreign accent
L4   fluent
speaking fluently with an extensive vocabulary, but with a foreign accent
L3   competent
speaking competently with a solid vocabulary on almost any topic
L2   elementary
speaking enough to get by, but may get lost in a conversation
L1   learning
not speaking the language, but learned enough to say simple sentences
L0   not proficient
may know a few words, but cannot form sentences or ask questions
Languages spoken aboard
native English
Vessel type, make and model
SY Sailing Yacht, Amel Meltem 52
Vessel year
1975 built, and most recent major refit completed in 2021
Vessel main propulsion
Vessel hull type
Vessel length
15.9 metres (52 ft)
Vessel weight (displacement)
18 tonnes (39,690 lb)
Crew & guests aboard
usually 2 people aboard
cruising, cruising: Offshore, cruising: Coastal or tourism


Team request
position for individuals only
Nationality of crew
Gender of crew
position for female crew only
Age of crew
preferably between 55 to 75 years of age
Height of crew
preferably between 155 cm / 5' 1" and 185 cm / 6' 1" in height
Weight of crew
preferably weighs between 40 kg / 88 lb and 80 kg / 176 lb


Anyone and aboard any or no specific diet is fine
Anyone and aboard moderate drinking is allowed
Only strict non-smokers and aboard there is strictly no smoking


Coastal/Ocean sea time
preferably crew with at least 2 weeks spent at sea
Coastal/Ocean sea miles
preferably crew with at least 50 nm logged


Recreational    generally unpaid positions, or contributing towards some agreed expenses

positions available
preferably for
 Crew   experienced
 Competent Crew   experienced
 Deckhand   no experience
 Watch-keeper   some experience
crew is not expecting to be paid
- visible to Free & Premium members only
crew to pay an agreed share towards some expenses

Dear Shipmates


Hi Folks. Wishing everyone a great 2024. For all of you that get on the water I wish you great sailing and safe passages. Cheers.

About the boat, the plans, and current crew

usually cleancomfortablevery safevessel is survey certifiedvery spaciouslive on little moneyhave a holidayshare experiencevisit remote placesseek adventurefulfill a dreamlive off the gridmulticultural

The yacht is a 52 foot Ketch. She is an Amel Meltem and I sail her in Greek waters. There is over 6ft head room almost completely throughout, so tall sailors can be very comfortable moving around below. Although there are nine berths on board it is my preference to sail with no more than three plus myself. During the last 20 years it has mostly been just myself plus one on board. In October 2021 I had the standing rigging replaced.

What is expected of the crew

clean & tidycommitteddiscreeteasy-goingenthusiasticfit & healthyfriendlyorganisedrespectfultrustworthyrarely/unlikely seasickgood listenergood communicatortravel light (little luggage)eager to learn & workpoliteLGBTIQA+ respectfulpositive outlookopen mindedsense of humorcan pay own expensesready to partyenjoy cookingdon't mind cleaningcan follow orderswill not bring a bicyclewill not bring a petharmony

I am an experienced sailor who wants to continue to enjoy sailing. My yacht is an Amel Meltem and is currently ashore in Preveza, Greece. The Greek Islands are my favoured sailing area. Sailing and sharing my experience while also learning from others is always my pleasure. In skippering I always try to have a spirit of friendship, team work and sharing. Every passage is different and I try to see to it that everyone gets as much enjoyment from it as possible. Consensus is my preferred route to decisions, but I am capable of asking a crew member to leave if peace and safety are compromised. Crew who enjoy the society of their crew mates is the ideal. As skipper I also understand that everyone on board must feel free to take "me" time without explanation or justification. Physical and emotional comfort on board are 'must haves' without question. If Freedom, Fun, Relaxation, Pleasure and Safety in a non-judgemental environment means anything to you, then maybe we would enjoy sailing together.
Sailing, leaving, arriving, anchoring, berthing in port, exploring ashore, messing around in the dinghy, swimming, chatting, debating, learning, coffee on deck in the morning and eating ashore in the evening are all favourites with me.

Sailing Experience:
Been messing around in boats since I was 10 years of age. Have sailed dinghies, smaller yachts, owned a power boat and currently own and sail a 52ft ketch in Greek waters.




Personal Identity Verified  
amazing & welcoming person
friendly & reliable person
nice & polite person
challenging person
no comment

3 Recommendations provided by this member

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30 days, 2022 May2022 Jun
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118 days, 2021 Jul2021 Oct
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