uses some Cookies to deliver an enhanced experience.   Accept all Cookies


Effective as of 16 March 2022, v4.41

Find a Crew™ requires cookies to remember some basic choices.

If you disable cookies in your browser you will not be able to sign in to until you enable your browser to accept cookies again.

A cookie is a tiny text file that only contains data, no code. Cookies are placed on your device by many websites you visit and are widely used to make websites more functional, or work more efficiently.

We do not use many cookies because we store most of your preferences and choices against your member account so it can remember them between various devices and browsers you may use.

No, they are not. Cookies can't execute programs, nor can they be used to spy on you. Cookies are nothing more than a tiny record consisting of a domain that set the cookie, an expiration date and the name/value pair. Cookies are highly restricted by the browser and can't be made to compromise your device, they are simply text and nothing more.
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These are the only cookies we use as we store most preferences against your member account to remember your personal choices across various devices and browsers you may use.


This cookie is set when the cookie declaration message is dismissed.
Remove info cookie to display the cookie declaration message again.

Sign in
This cookie is required to sign in, it stores a reference to your current session, language, and an option to keep you signed in.
Remove session cookie which will sign you out instantly.

Remembers your user name between sign ins.
To clear this cookie untick 'Remember username' when signing in.

This cookie toggles auto/manual scroll loading list results.
Remove scroll cookie to enable auto scroll loading.

Google Analytics
We don't use Google Analytics, or any other third party analytics or tracking software. We develop our own tools to monitor and track performance, user interactions and identify suspicious or illegal behavior.

Google Maps
Google sets a number of cookies on any page that includes a Google Map. While we have no control over the cookies set by Google, they appear to include a mixture of pieces of information to measure the number and behaviour of Google Maps users.
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One possibility is that you may be running software that interferes with cookie usage. There are many filtering and blocking software packages available for internet users, and many of them also filter cookies. If you are running software like this, your computer may not receive or send cookies. This will cause websites you visit to assume you are not accepting cookies.
Another possibility is that your device may be behind a firewall or proxy server that prevents cookie transmission. This is most likely in a corporate environment. So, regardless of how your browser is set, cookies won't be sent or received by your browser. Since the cookies aren't making it through to your browser, the website will assume you personally aren't accepting them.

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Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari all allow some level of cookie verification.
They have menu options that allow you to accept all, some, or none of your incoming cookies.

Browser Provider Cookie settings
Chrome Google Copy & paste into browser: chrome://settings/content/cookies
⦿ Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)
or: (Menu) > Settings > Advanced ▼ > Privacy and security > Content Settings ... ► Cookies ►
Safari Apple Preferences... (⌘) > Privacy > Cookies and website data
Firefox Mozilla Copy & paste into browser: about:preferences#privacy
⦿ Accept cookies and site data from websites (recommended)
or: ☰ (Menu) > Options > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data >
Edge Microsoft ⋯ (Menu) (alt+X) > Settings > View advanced settings > Privacy and services > Cookies > select: 'Don't block cookies'
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